Dr Karen E Wells
About Karen
International Specialist Hypnosis & Regression Trainer
& Bestselling Author
I’ve helped thousands of people qualify in their therapy and I’ve helped them to build a successful therapy business wherever they are in the world.
I’ve been a successful Therapist for over 20 years helping clients resolve their personal issues & helping therapists build a thriving therapy business. The combination of my experience with thousands of clients and students & my Doctorate background ensures that I know the quick & effective ways of working with the subconscious for Dynamic Healing. I am the biggest Online Course Provider for Hypnosis & Specialised Regression Packages & my Coaching Programs get guaranteed transformational results for you and your clients.
I’ve taught in many countries around the world including UK, Europe, USA & Australia.
I’m also the author of 2 best selling books and a pioneer in specialized techniques with over 300,000 students enrolled in my courses.
Personal Hypnotherapy & Regression sessions are now available with Karen either Online or in Cheshire, UK -
click the button below for more information